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IPFS is a
Safe, fast, cheap
Next generation data
Storage technology

Existing centralized Internet communication method

Is replacing HTTPS

What is IPFS?

As a decentralized distributed file system, 

It is a faster, safer, and more open network that adopts a distributed storage method and realizes P2P (peer to peer) communication between nodes without a centralized server. Unlike the past HTTP Web, where disconnection of a large server could have fatal consequences, in IPFS the ecosystem remains stable even if several nodes are disconnected.

High-capacity files can be delivered quickly and efficiently (BitSwap),

Because duplicates of files can be known, storage can be used efficiently. (Merkle DAG, contents-addressed)

The names of files uploaded on IPFS are recorded forever, and if

You can protect as many files as you want (pinning).

Additionally, file version management (Git) is possible.

Even in situations where smooth access to the mainstream Internet is not possible, the IPFS ecosystem is maintained.

As a result, the risk to data security is significantly reduced and the speed is very fast.

Unlike existing methods that require high costs to use servers, it can be used (operated) at low costs by utilizing idle storage space.



All data using IPFS technology

Storage and retrieval rewards and payment methods

Filecoin is a P2P network for storing files.
To ensure that your files are stored reliably over time.
There are built-in economic incentives.

In Filecoin, users participate in storage miners.

You pay to store your files.


Storage miners store files and store them over time.

It is a computer that proves that the file was saved correctly.


Save your own files or save other users' files to
Anyone who wants to receive money can sign up for Filecoin.


Available storage and the price of that storage are not controlled by a single company. Instead, Filecoin promotes an open marketplace for storing and retrieving files in which anyone can participate.

Filecoin involves a blockchain and a native cryptocurrency (FIL).
Storage miners earn FIL units for storing files.


Filecoin's blockchain ensures that files are stored correctly.
Record transactions sending and receiving FIL with evidence.

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